Relationships, a shipwreck waiting to happen
Picture this, you are riding a lovely wave, on a speed boat, crusing at 150 MPH, salt water in your hair. You look back, and your lady smiles. Her hair is open, she looks gorgeous, offcourse any woman would, in a bikini, but thats not the point. Let's not ruin my illusion.
The air is warm, but when it picks up a breeze, it makes you shiver. Suddenly, the bitch smiles and asks me in a monotonous voice: 'Do you know the price of gas?
Why do men and women ruin a perfectly fine happy moment? Why do we have the gift of gab turning sour into the gift of gap? Why do so many people feel the need to express their ordinary thoughts at extraordinary moments?
Is it selfishness? Well, sell fish, it stinks if you stock up, but why why why? Anguish, 2 bourbon bottles and kicking some sand, which ends up seeping into your moccasin.
Why are girls so dumb? Why are boys so dumb? Why am i talking like a 13 year old?
Anger, they say, can make you lose 15 years. Too bad, it doesn't come packaged as botox or viagra.
Would you like to buy some Anger? A little bit of anger for your soul. Shut up!